5 Ways To Use Customer Reviews In Your Marketing

5 Ways To Use Customer Reviews In Your Marketing

5 Ways To Use Customer Reviews In Your Marketing

For A Strong Business Performance, You Will Need As Many Customers As Possible Buying Your Products.

But For Customers To Buy, They First Need To Have Trust In Your Brand.

One Great Way To Create Such Trust Is Through Customer Reviews And Testimonials From Happy Customers In Your Marketing.

5 Ways To Use Customer Reviews In Your Marketing

5 Ways To Use Customer Reviews In Your Marketing

Good Customer Reviews And Testimonials Can Be Used In All Your Marketing

The best way to convince returning customers and new target customers that your products are great is to show genuine reviews and testimonials from happy and satisfied customers. 

This form of marketing can be very powerful if used in the right way.

87% of consumers will look online for a customer review before buying a new product and the reason is simple to understand; genuine customer reviews convey trust and if a consumer has trust, they will buy.

Good customer reviews can be used in FIVE ways within your marketing:

1. Social Media Posts

2. Website Pages

3. Email Marketing

4. Brochures, Catalogues and Flyers

5. Your Business Premises


5 Ways To Use Customer Reviews In Your Marketing



Importantly, your customer reviews and testimonials should be shown in prominent places, so that people can see them.

Many business owners hide them away in a dark corner of a website, where they will not be seen or don't use them at all.

That is not good enough.

You must be blatant with your reviews and place them right in front of everybody's 'eye balls'. Here are some ideas:

  • Create a social media post where the image is a copy of the actual review

  • Place a good review in a prominent place on your website’s home page – even make a good headline out of the best one and have a customer review page

  • Include a good customer review in emails to your customers or on your business stationary such as a letterhead

  • Place good reviews on the front page and other pages of a brochure or a catalogue.

  • Include a good review on distributed flyers or other publicity

  • Place good reviews in prominent places, if customers visit your premises, such as shop or a warehouse, etc.



There are so many ways that you can do this. You just need to be creative.

Here are some simple ideas that work really well.

A Simple Testimonial  -  Include the quoted words with the full name of the customer along with a date and where the testimonial was made, along with an image of your product.

An Image Of A Happy Customer Using Your Products  -  Include a quote from this customer as a caption

A Customer Story Or Success Case Study  -  Create a small article or blog of how a customer has successfully used your product, again, with quotes from the customer.



You can never have too many customer reviews and you should be really bold and ask your  customers for them.

Many will be very pleased to give you a few words, but the better more loyal customers could be persuaded to give you enough for a case study. 

Many customers will spontaneously provide a review without a prompt from yourself. The better your products and the more happy your customers are, the more likely this will happen.



You should always thank your customers for their reviews and publicly show the thanks too. This will encourage others to give you a review too. 


Your most recent reviews are a great testament to your products and you should use these in prominent places in ALL your marketing to build your brand and to convince returning and new customers to buy from you.




5 Ways To Use Customer Reviews In Your Marketing


Best of luck - let me know how you get on.

Please Contact Me,  If You Have Any Comments Or Questions About This Blog Article. I Would Be Pleased To Help You

Contact Robert Viney @ Prestige Business Coaching


Robert Viney Is An Award-Winning Business Coach

Top 20 Entrepreneur Coach 2022, Awarded By The Coach Foundation

23 Best Business Coaching Services 2022, Awarded By HubSpot


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In 35 years, Robert has started & run seven very successful businesses exceeding £100 million in sales. For 20 years, he has also been successfully coaching small businesses.
Follow his expert business advice & tips on his website: https://www.prestigebusinesscoaching.co.uk & online.