30 Top Tips For Better Social Media Marketing

  30 Top Tips For Better Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing Is A Great Way To Boost Your Customer Awareness And Your Sales.

In this blog, I share some the best ways that I know work well.

If you use most or all of these tried and proven ways, too, you should get good results, too.

30 Top Tips For Better Social Media Marketing


It is possible to create some really good results by using free social media for your business. The benefits can be many, include importantly increased awareness of your business and your brand amongst your targets, the creation of good trust to encourage people to buy your products and the building of good relationships before and after purchases are made. And, it is all FREE!

You cannot afford to not be doing this right.

Here are some great tips that have been proven to work well for me, personally, and have worked well for many of my clients, too, driving great results.


1. Make Sure Your Profile Details Will Draw People Into Your Business

If people like what you post, they will visit your profile page, so it is important to ensure your bio profile sums you up well and include a good picture of yourself.

You should think that 'people buy people' and if they like what they read and see, they are more like to follow you.


2. Consistently And Continually Post

You should post content every day and multiple times of the day to get the best results.

The more that that your targets see of you, the more they will be drawn to you. Conversely, the less that they will see of you, the more likely they will forget about you.


3. Post Quality Content That Your Followers Will Relate To

It is really important that your content is of good quality and of use to your followers and gives them some value. By researching your targets and understanding them well, it should be possible to match your content to your followers.

When they feel they can relate to your content, they are more likely to react and to interact with you.


4. Always Include Good Images

Posts with images can work up to four times better than posts without images. When your posts come up in the social media feed of your followers, often the eye will be drawn to the image first, then they will read your narrative.

Image sizes vary for each platform and it is best to optimise the size for each one for the best results. A good way to produce images quickly is by using the free and easy tools at https://www.canva.com/ where you will find templates for each platform.


5. Restrict The Number Of Platforms

If you are starting out, it is wise to just go with one or two platforms first; you must not think that you have to be everywhere. Then, as you become used to the processes, you could progress to three or possibly four.

It is far better to be on less platforms and to do them well than to try and do everything.


6. Post Onto Platforms Where Your Targets Are

By understand your target followers well, as suggested above, it will be possible to determine where they hang out. If they are on Twitter, for instance, and you get the best response from this platform, this is where you should be focusing your efforts the most.


7. Post At Times When Your Targets Are Most Likely To See Your Posts

Your followers will not be around all the time, so it is always wise to experiment to see when you get the best responses from your posts. Once you have established this, you should post your best content at the best times.


8. Use Good Headlines That Get Noticed

It is important that your content gets noticed.

One good way is to think AIDA – ATTENTION, INTEREST, DESIRE, ACTION! You want to first attract 'Attention', then provoke 'Interest' and 'Desire' with your post or image and then hopefully push your follower into taking 'Action', such as visiting your website or contacting you.

A good provocative headline and a good image are both good ways to attract attention followed by a good narrative.

Higher case capitals in your narrative can work well for the headline but don’t overdo these and it is advisable not to use upper case capitals in the body of your text, either.


9. Use Good Keywords In Headlines And Narrative

As for your website, SEO and good keywords can work for your social media marketing too. Not all the same keywords will work but, by experimenting, you may be able to work the best ones, over time.


10. Don’t Be Too Wordy

It is important to think that peoples' attention span is limited, so don't make your narratives too long.

You should always think to use the minimum number of words to explain something.


11. Restrict The Amount Of Text On Images

Less text within images seem to bring better results, too, on most platforms, especially Facebook.  Your images are really there to create 'Attention' and too many words in the image can detract from this. 


12.  Include ‘Calls To Actions’

You should always think to include 'Calls To Action' in many of your posts.

These can be links to websites or other social media platforms etc., but beware your post reach might be marked down as platforms like to keep people on their own platform.

Best to use some posts with links and some without and to experiment to see what works best.


13. Video Normally Attracts More Reach And Engagements

People do like to watch short videos and social media platforms appear to give them better prominence too. Adding captions, such as bullet points in addition to audio on a video can create a good impact, too, and work well.

Simple videos recorded on a mobile phone can often be good enough to create the right effect. 


14. Don’t Be Spammy

While you should post continually, don't over do it and don't appear spammy.

Many of your followers might be irritated by this, and many of the social media platforms don't like it either. If your platforms think you are spammy, they will reduce your prominence.


15. Pin Your Current Best Post

For some platforms, such as Twitter and Facebook, you can pin a good post to the top of your profile page by clicking on the top right-hand corner of the post.

This is useful for people visiting your profile.


16. Try To Think As Your Targets Think

It is important to give your targets the content that interests them and content that will be of value and benefit to them, too. By trying to think as they think, you must create and write the content that they would want to read and look at, themselves. You should also write in the manner that they will want to read, using language and words that they will probably use themselves.

Ask yourself one simple question: "What will my targets want to see from me?" You will get the answer by simply understanding them well and 'Walking in their shoes!' 


17. Use The 80:20 Rule

Don't try to excessively sell.

Generally the rule is: 80% non-sales stuff (informative, educational or fun), that is relevant and of interest, to 20% promotional stuff is a good mix. People don't like to be sold to directly and the best way to sell really is to 'not sell'.

The main thing is to make them aware of you and to get them engaged with you first and to build a good relationship, before you sell.


18. Respond Quickly To Comments And Interactions

If people interact with you, it is paramount you respond quickly and in a good manner; then you must try to keep the conversation going.  If your response is slow or you do not respond, you will lose some of your followers.


19. Share Other Peoples’ Posts That Are Relevant

A good way to increase awareness is by 'liking' or 'sharing' other people's content, especially those with many followers. If they then reciprocate, too, you could be seen by many more eyeballs.


20. For Ideas For Content And How To Post, View Others On Social Media

It can be difficult think of new and original content to post. 

One good way is to study your competitors and other high profile people and businesses, who are doing well. You should then think to maybe adapt and copy their methods and not try to reinvent the wheel!

What will work for them, should work for you, too, if you do things right.


21. Create ‘How To’ Guides, Give-Aways, Promotions, Competitions, etc.

It is all about providing value and benefit to your target followers. 'How to' guides, give-aways, promotions and competitions can be great 'gifts' that can work really well to draw existing followers into your brand and to attract new followers to your platform. 


22. Show Behind The 'Scenes' & Create 'Stories'

Posts showing behind the scenes at your business, including images of yourself and your team can work really well. This allows potential and existing customers to get to know you and your business better.

One good idea is to create short stories from things happening within your business. You could share how you started your business or share how individual employees are progressing, for instance. Another good idea is create short videos showing how some of your products are manufactured.

People love to see this sort of thing. 

23. Showcase & Highlight Your Products

It is important to showcase and highlight your products in some of your posts but remember the 80:20 rule and don't overdo this, otherwise people will think you are just trying to sell.


24. Show Your Customers & Their Reviews For Your Products.

Posts featuring pictures of your customers using your products can be very effective, too, especially if the post includes a customer review, too.

Customers are often pleased to do this, when they are happy with the product.

25. Use Scheduling Where Appropriate

Scheduling can work well but be careful, some platforms may mark you down for over-use if you use scheduling from a third party site. One draw-back to scheduling can be that you can miss the 'mood of the moment' or subjects that may be trending on the platform at the time.

Personally, I think it is best to mix it up.


26. Check Your Analytics

It is crucial that you check your analytics continually to see which posts and platforms perform better and when they perform better.

Your analytics should give you much valuable information and you should use this to improve your postings. Obviously 'likes and 'shares' are important, as are the number of followers that you acquire, but the reach is also very important too.


27. Test, Test, Test!

You will only learn by continually testing what you do and by continually checking what works and what does not work.

Also, you should think that what worked last year will not necessarily work now. Trends change as do follower habits and it is paramount that you are aware of all changes, as they happen.


28. Build Relationships

People will not buy from you until they trust you, your business and your products. And trust does not happen immediately with your first posts; it grows over time.

You must learn to take it slowly and to prioritise building relationships with people.

Converse with your targets on the platforms, get to know them and crucially, let them get to know you, too. Then when the time is right for them, they could buy from you.


29. Only Use Free Social Media

Some platforms, especially Facebook, encourage you to 'boost' your post by paying for the post.

Generally, I do not think it is necessary to do this. If you use these tips and do them right and well, you should still create good awareness and the right followers.

I personally have never paid for any posts and still do very well. You should be able to do the same.


30. Lastly, Bite The Bullet And Just Go For It!

The best way to learn is just to do it and to keeping reviewing the results. It needs a lot of action, discipline and determination.

When posts don't perform well, you should not get dispirited; learn why this is happening and keep trying. You will get there! 

Social media marketing is a marathon not a sprint.


Please Contact Me,  If You Have Any Comments Or Questions About This Blog Article. I Would Be Pleased To Help You

Contact Robert Viney @ Prestige Business Coaching


Robert Viney Is An Award-Winning Business Coach

Top 20 Entrepreneur Coach 2022, Awarded By The Coach Foundation

23 Best Business Coaching Services 2022, Awarded By HubSpot


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In 35 years, Robert has started & run seven very successful businesses exceeding £100 million in sales. For 20 years, he has also been successfully coaching small businesses.
Follow his expert business advice & tips on his website: https://www.prestigebusinesscoaching.co.uk & online.