10 Ways To Build Strong Self-Discipline
Better Self-Discipline Will Make You More Productive, More Focused And Ultimately More Successful
Strong self-discipline is crucial if you are to achieve high levels of success and is arguably, the most important quality and skill to acquire if you wish to achieve the ultimate.
But it is very difficult to perfect, and this is a big reason why most business owners are mediocre at running their businesses.
Running any business is very demanding and can be very draining to the business owner, even for the very best.
Much will rely on you getting things done, yourself, but if you do not feel like doing a certain task, it might not happen. You could then start to fall behind on the goals that you have set.
To keep progressing, you must learn to work through these situations and be able to perform tasks when they need to be done, whether you feel like doing them or not.
“By building discipline, you will become powerful and unstoppable”
You will need to push yourself and to learn not to put off or delay and, for this, you will need strong self-leadership and strong self-discipline and lots of it.

How To Build Your Self-Discipline
Developing strong self-discipline requires constant effort.
Think of it as a muscle and think that you need to work at it constantly and gradually, but also think that the moment you stop, it will start to break down.
Here are 10 Ways to help you acquire strong self-discipline.
1. Choose One Big Function That You Hate Doing & Turn It Into One Big Discipline
Choose a single function that you really hate doing, then commit to turning it into one BIG DISCIPLINE. One good idea could be waking up early and starting early, each day, including weekends.
The most successful in business have find that by starting earlier in the day, many other good disciplines follow as a ‘trickle down’ effect.
Whatever big discipline you choose to acquire, you must work on it, each day to bolster your self-discipline.
2. Always Plan The Tasks Of Your Day, Each Day, & Work To The Plan
One good discipline is to plan your day well and to use lists to get through the plan.
Your plan should include the main tasks for the day, then, what you do not achieve in a day should be added to the plan for the next day.
The daily plan should be compiled the day before, to give you time to think about the tasks and to prepare your mindset for the biggest jobs.
3. Do The Most Important & The Biggest Tasks Of The Day First
Strictly, set aside time each day to work on the most important tasks, as well as the least pleasant and the least favourite tasks.
For most people, the best time is first thing in the day, when the brain works at its best; this is the best time for your most important tasks before the noise of the day becomes a distraction.
4. Never Put Off Your Least Favourite Tasks & Never Procrastinate
Delaying tasks is a bad habit and procrastination is even worse.
A good way to build overall strong self-discipline is to tackle your least favourite tasks when they must be done.
Prior to performing such tasks, take some time out to prepare your mindset for tacking and achieving these in the best possible way.
One good trick is to try to feel the mental sensation before your start a least-favourite task and visualise how you will feel, once it is completed. If it is something that you have been delaying or is something that you particularly do not enjoy doing, think about the relief you would feel, once the task is completed.
5. Strictly Set Aside Time For Working On Your Goals, Each Day
Working on your goals is another good way to build strong self-discipline.
Religiously set aside specific amounts of time in your daily plan to work on each of your goals. Even if it is only 30 minutes per day, it will equate to 15 hours in a month and possibly good progress, too.
Keep reminding yourself of why you are working tirelessly towards your goals. Let this drive you.
6. Remove Distractions & Temptations When Working On Big Tasks & Goals
As part of your day, you should remove distractions or temptations that could derail you and dilute your discipline and determination.
Such distractions could be looking at your phone for emails or at social media or answering calls. Turn your ‘phone off and lock yourself away until your main tasks are done.
7. Break Your Tasks & Goals Down Into Small Steps To Make Their Execution Easier
Each task and each goal should be broken down into small steps as part of your plan, to make the execution easier and more effective.
By tackling each one separately, things should then seem less daunting.
8. Be Patient With Yourself & Let The Process Grow Gradually, Starting Small
Be patient with yourself and let the process develop as naturally as possible. Start small and gradually grow the process with bigger and bolder tasks as part of your daily planner.
Over time, you should feel yourself becoming more productive and your confidence in the process should grow.
9. Reward Yourself When You Reach Good Milestones
Always reward yourself when you do well or you reach certain milestones or achieve certain goals
You reward could be a small treat.
10. Forgive Yourself When You Weaken
Always forgive yourself when you weaken.
No process goes like clockwork and there will be blips, this is inevitable as you are only human. It is best to forgive yourself rather than being hard on yourself.

For strong self-discipline, the skill can only be acquired and strengthened through continual practice, day in and day out, repeatedly, until it becomes a strong habit.
Gradually over time, you should find the process becomes easier and you should find yourself becoming more productive, more focused, more successful and you should become more satisfied with your efforts and results.
With any new discipline, you will probably exhibit feelings of discomfort. This is natural and is probably the best time to increase the intensity and to introduce new habits and new disciplines into your day and routine.
If you can master this skill to a high level, you could be amazed by how much extra you can achieve in a day, and you could find that some of the frustrations that you previously felt, possibly due to procrastinating, dissipate and disappear over time.
Learn to be strongly self-disciplined is a huge skill to adopt, as you will not always feel motivated.
I hope this works for you - please let me know how you get on.
Please Contact Me, If You Have Any Comments Or Questions About This Blog Article. I Would Be Pleased To Help You
Robert Viney Is An Award-Winning Business Coach
Top 20 Entrepreneur Coach 2022, Awarded By The Coach Foundation
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